Who We Are

Milk & Miele began as Milk & Honey Orchard and Apiary in 2022.

I started this business believing that we can offer honey and orchard creations with the land we are blessed with. To manifest artisanal products that only require divine, earth and livestock organically. As a small, unique shop I have strolled forward to offer so much more than I ever envisioned. I study in Italy, and through this academia have gained the Title of Honey Sommelier. Being able to identify the botanicals the bees gather nectar from in creating their artisanal honey. And I get the esteemed duty of rendering and pairing these.

I also create orchard, floral and berry goods which we produce on our acreage. And with this appreciation of what our bees are pollinating and gathering, we get to full circle. From floral to nectar, pollinating to fruit, honey to delicacy.

With the New Year and the constant growth or who we are, I am bringing new experiences to your table. Not only will I have our current offerings but am also bringing an international flair this year. Where the Iowa Terroir meets the Italy Terroir. With this new addition we are paying homage to the Italian study of honey and why we are now Miele (honey in Italian). We are also bringing our new honey sourdough products and desserts that combine Italy and Iowa.

You will see some very special pairings, events and educational excitement coming through this year and we are getting excited for the honey goodness underway.

Ciao for now and cheers to honey!